Lycian Way Packages

Lycian way is one of the best walking routes in the world and it is at "top 10 walking routes list". Lycia means "Land of Light" and it's history dating back to 13th century B.C. The country was located in Teke Peninsula, in west of Antalya which included 77 antique cities such as Olympos, Xanthos, Patara, Antiphellos, Phaselis, Aperlae, Andriake, Myra & Apollonia. Lycian Federation was known as a country of Freedom.

The Lycian Way is an ancient way, starts from Fethiye, ends in Antalya which takes 509 km (around 316 miles) and has 23 stages. Today we walk through Xanthos, Patara, Pinara, Olympos, Myra, Tlos, Anitphellos, Sidyma, Letoon, Phaselis, Apollonia, Chimer & Simena ancient cities.

The ancient way is marked as some parts in the mountains, some parts by the sea-shore to walk. The way was in fact, separated during the ancient time.

It is combined by the Romans and made a long and wide way from Fethiye to Antalya.

We have 2 options to walk through Lycian Way;

  • Daily Trekking Tours on Lycian Way
  • Trekking Packages with stay overnight on Lycian Way