Travel Club by Holident - TCH Tourism Travel Trade Limited Company processing of personal data obtained in accordance with on Personal Data Law No.6698 ("PPDL") is one of the most critical issues we care about. In this framework, you will be informed about the methods and purposes by which your personal data will be collected, processed, and transferred to third parties by our Company and the rights you have as a data owner under PPDL law are explained below.

1.Method of Collecting Your Personal Data and Legal Reasons : We can obtain your personal data through our company's own and other physical media, internet site and similar electronic media, by verbal written and electronic notifications you have made to our Company, or with the communications you have through with such media, with verbal or video recordings and other physical or electronic forms through our group companies and third parties, such as agents, tour operators. Your personal data is collected, processed, transferred and kept for the purposes listed below in context of the conditions stated in PPDL.

2.Processing Purposes of Your Personal Data : Your Personal Data may be processed by our Company for the purpose of fulfillment of our company's legal obligations , for establishment and execution of contract with you, for confirmation of your identity, for quick access to your information if case you stayed in our hotel again, for informing you about our company's services and promotions, for customizing and improving our services to our customers, for providing effective customer service for answering your questions and requests to get your opinion on the questionnaires andpolls for ensuring the security of our company's physical and electronic environments, for special day celebrations, magazines and similar submissions, gifts and promotions and for establishing actions in favor of you, for investigation and prevention of breach of contract and law and for notifying to relevant judicial and administrative authorities and for the purpose of resolving any legal disputes that may arise between you and the Company.

3.Transferring Your Personal Data : Your Personal Data may be transferred to general law enforcement agencies and other authorized indtitutions and organizations authorized to transfer information in accordance with the legislation, to our Company's dominant partner, to our company's subsidiaries, to our domestic and international business patners, to our suppliers, sub-contractors and other third parties upon your request or application for the purposes stated above provided that they comply with the requirements stipulated in the PPDL and necessary security measures are taken. Travel Club by Holident - TCH Tourism Travel Trade Limited Company, we can store your personal data on servers located in Turkey or abroad, or and other electronic media provided that necessary security measures are taken.

4.Your Rights as Data Owner : According to PPDL article 11, you have rights to learn whether your personal data in processed, request your personal data if it has been processed , to learn how your personal data is processed and whether it is being used appropriately for its purpose, knowing the third parties to whom your personal data are transferredin or out of the country , asking to correct your personal data if they are missing our incorrectly processed, requet your personal data to be deleted or destroyed in case the reasons for processingthemend , ask to delete or destroy them, request correction and deletion to be reported to the third party to whom your personal data is transferred, object to emergence of a consequence of analysis of processed data exclusively through automated systems, claim that your personal data has been processed in violation of the law and that you have been harmed.

If you do not wish to use any of the above rights, you will be able to pass on this request with sufficientinformation and explanation of your identity and your right to use it via personal application to Travel Club by Holident - TCH Tourism Travel Trade Limited Company, Cumhuriyet Mah. Atatürk Cad. Likya İş Merkezi, No:104, 48300 Fethiye, Mugla or through on notary, or to with secure electronic signature. In the event that Board of Protection of Personal Data decides to transmit the request through methods other than those specified, Company will be notified separately in which forms you may transmit your applications. As a rule, your requests will be fullfilled free of charge, but if answering your request requires additional costs, fees may be charged for the amounts set forth in the applicable legislation.